Finding Hope: Lessons from 'Man's Search for Meaning' by Viktor Frankl

Have you heard of the book Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl a lot of people have it's a really popular book.

It is really about hope and having hope in the face of all odds. It's about a man who was in the Holocaust and wrote that book about the only thing that they can't take for me. It's my my hope and my attitude and how I react to things.

When you're facing challenges, and intead of focusing on the negative aspects of the challenge, look for the purpose behind what you're experiencing, what is it that you can learn from the situation? How can you take something that's maybe challenging and turn it into a hopeful situation?

Maybe it's thinking about a career aspiration, a personal project or relationship that you find helpful.

reaching in and thinking about hope and getting that mindset going and just sitting in help is a really great way to get through stressful times.

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Harnessing Hope: A Technique from 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle


Empathy Unleashed: A Guide from 'The Empathy Effect' by Helen Riess